Varangian Runestones in Uppland
U 153
Apr 20, 2023

Lissby, Uppland, Sweden

...uai- x auk x ulf- litu x raisa x stai-a x eftiz x hlftan ' auk ' eftiz x kunar x brydr x sina x daiz ' antadus x aust...
…[u][a]i- x [a]uk x ulf- litu x raisa x stai-[a] x e[f]tiʀ x hlftan · auk · eftiʀ x kunar x bryþr x sina x þaiʀ · antaþus x aust… …[u]m
Old norse transcription
[S]vei[nn] ok Ulf[r] létu reisa stei[n]a eptir Halfdan ok eptir Gunnar, brœðr sína. Þeir enduðust aust[r] …
“Sveinn and Ulfr had the stones raised in memory of Halfdan and in memory of Gunnarr, their brothers. They met their end in the east …”
Location and discovery
- Scandinavian Runic-text Database latest, “Runic inscription U 153 ”, Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University.
- Wikipedia, “Upplands runinskrifter 153”