Varangian Runestones in Uppland
U 209 - Veda
Apr 20, 2023

Veda, Uppland, Sweden

durtsain x kiardifxtiz irinmunt x sun sin x aukaubti dinsa bu x auk x afladi x austr x i kardum
þurtsain x kiarþi| |ifxtiʀ irinmunt x sun sin x auk| |kaubti þinsa bu x auk x aflaþi x austr x i karþum
Old norse transcription
Þorsteinn gerði eptir Erinmund, son sinn, ok keypti þenna bý ok aflaði austr í Gǫrðum.
“Þorsteinn made (the stone) in memory of Erinmundr, his son, and bought this estate and earned (wealth) in the east in Garðar (Russia).”
Location and discovery
- Scandinavian Runic-text Database latest, “Runic inscription U 209 ”, Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University.
- Wikipedia, “”