Varangian Runestones in Uppland

U 504

Apr 20, 2023

Ubby, Uppland, Sweden


Drawing of the inscription of the runestone U 504
+ kitil x fastr x risti x stin + dina x iftiz x askut x fadur + sin x saz x uas x uistr x uk x ustr + kud ialbi x as x salu


+ kitilxfastr x risti x stin + þina x iftiʀ x askut x faþur + sin x saʀ x uas x uistr x uk x ustr + kuþ ialbi x as x salu

Old norse transcription

Ketilfastr reisti stein þenna eptir Ásgaut, fǫður sinn. Sá var vestr ok austr. Guð hjalpi hans sálu.


“Ketilfastr raised this stone in memory of Ásgautr, his father. He was in the west and in the east. May God help his soul.”

Location and discovery

U 504 map

